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Saison 07


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Il y aura beaucoup plus d'histoire au sujet des maux de tête du Dr Reid ... sauf que vous ne trouverez pas jusqu'à la saison prochaine, selon Erica Messer. "C'est quelque chose que dont parlons avec Matthew et les écrivains sont tous à essayer de comprendre quelles histoires nous avons abandonné. Honnêtement, cette histoire, cette idée qui se cache derrière cela, a commencé avant que nous perdions AJ et Paget. Il y avait une chance que nous perdions Matthew à cause des négociations de contrat, et ce genre de scénario s'est implanté et n'a jamais vraiment porté ses fruits dans cette saison, mais nous voulons sla conclure dans la prochaine saison. Voilà le plan. "Dieu merci, le Gubler m'a dit qu'il était prêt pour la prochaine saison et est excité. Pouvez-vous imaginer CM sans Gubler ? Hells non! Cette équipe est magique!

06.05.2011 Criminal Minds producer Erica Messer has confirmed that the show will explain Dr. Reid's headaches.
The character (played by Matthew Gray Gubler) has suffered from unexplained migranes throughout the show's sixth season, but Messer told Entertainment Weekly that Reid's illness will be explored properly in a potentital seventh season.
"Honestly, that storyline, that whole idea behind that started before we lost A.J. [Cook] and Paget [Brewster]," she explained. "There was [also] a chance that we were fearing to lose Matthew just because of contract negotiaions."
She continued: "That storyline kind of got implanted and then never truly paid off in this season, but we want to sort of conclude next season. That's the plan."
Criminal Minds star Thomas Gibson previously insisted that the show's future is secure, claiming that many viewers are still "connected" to the crime drama.
Criminal Minds continues on Wednesdays at 9/8c on CBS.
11.05.2011 What's the deal with Strauss on Criminal Minds? Will she be back? — Heather
Yes, and in a big way, according to executive producer Erica Messer. "Strauss is always a bit of a mystery," she says. "Next season I'd like to show that she's actually human. She has issues like the rest of us. The team will see a new side of her."
13.05.2011 JJ IS COMING BACK!! I heard on MGG's twitter that AJ Cook just signed a two year deal and she will be coming back!! YAY!! MGG's Twitter
18.05.2011 As for CM: I’m slated to return next season (AMAZEBALLS!), so I will keep my fingers crossed that nothing changes! #BestJobEve R.N's Twitter
 22.05.2011 What a season finale on Criminal Minds! WOOHOO JJ!! But I’m worried about these shake-ups. Unless Seaver leaves. Then I’m okay with it. Any news for me?
Don’t misinterpret JJ’s return as a push to the exit for Seaver (Rachel Nichols) so fast there, Marge. Per EP Erica Messer: “No, it doesn’t necessarily mean [she's leaving]. Honestly, they’re not the same character. And I think it was unfortunate because they look so much alike that people rejected Seaver because she seemed like she was a replacement for JJ,” she said. “As far as I’m concerned, she is a part of this team…I don’t want her to just disappear.
 EW Inside TV
 23.05.2011 So glad JJ is back on Criminal Minds. Might she ever change her mind about becoming a full-fledged profiler next season? — Terry
 It doesn't seem very likely, according to A.J. Cook. "All I know is, she's still the coordinator," she says. " I don't know if [the team] even needs another profiler. I think she likes her role." That said, JJ's character will offer a new perspective. "She's seen things that these guys haven't seen, so she's grown," Cook says. "She's tougher, more experienced. I think now she may be able to bring more to her role, but I don't think it'll be out [in the field]. She's still going to be the face of the team."
 TV Guide
01.05.2011   So glad Paget Brewster will be back onCriminal Minds next season. But what does that mean for the Doyle story line? —Melissa
 Doyle will certainly be back, but probably not for long. "The only way Prentiss can return to us is if Ian Doyle is destroyed," executive producer Erica Messer tells us. "We all love Timothy V. Murphy and want him to have some screen time. But our challenge is to expand on their story and not repeat what [we've already] learned."
 TV Guide
05.06.2011  Exactly one month before CBS' Criminal Minds is scheduled to start production on its upcoming 7th season, there is still no deal for co-star Thomas Gibson. And word is that talks between the actor and CBS have stalled. That is creating an issue for the series' writers who convened at the beginning of last week to break stories and work on scripts for next season. Gibson's character, Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Hotchner, has been key to the show's storylines, so it would be difficult to map out next season without knowing if he will be back. Expectation is that a deal will eventually be made as the show is looking for cast stability after the drama surrounding co-stars A.J. Cook, Paget Brewster and Rachel Nichols this past season. Despite not having a deal, Gibson has been fulfilling all Criminal Minds obligations. He mingled with international buyers at the LA Screenings and is currently in Europe. Along with Criminal Minds co-star Matthew Gray Gubler he will represent the show at the Monte Carlo TV festival, which starts tomorrow, and will also participate in a press junket in London.  Deadline

Je suis heureuse que Thomas Gibson reprenne encore son rôle dans Criminal Minds. Que pouvez-vous me dire sur la saison 7? — Regina

ADAM: Le premier épisode de cette nouvelle saison se déroulera plusieurs mois après le Season Finale de la saison 6. L'équipe devra démontrer une nouvelle fois son utilité au FBI qui cherche à la diviser pour des raisons budgétaires. "Toutes ces menaces faites dans le Season Finale, qu'il y aurait des changements et que des gens devraient partir... il y a une certaine vérité à cela", confie la productrice exécutive Erica Messer. 
"Vous découvrirez qui est allé où et pour faire quoi." Il faudra surveiller Morgan en particulier car ce sont ses enquêtes estivales qui permettront de déterminer que Prentiss est encore en vie.

 TV Guide


Des informations ont été dévoilées sur la saison 7 d'Esprits Criminels:
7x01 - It Takes A Village
On retrouve dans cet épisode le personnage de Lachlan McDermott. Il s'agit d'un dangereux criminel International vivant en Europe.
05.07.2011 Qu'est-ce que JJ chuchote à Hotch à la fin de "Lauren" sur Criminal Minds? - 
ADAM: Comme si j'allais vous le dire! Mais je parie que le secret sera révélé cette saison, étant donné que le producteur exécutif Erica Messer planifie d'explorer davantage la relation Hotch-JJ. "Il existe une relation ici - en particulier d'avoir partagé ce secret - qui vaut la peine d'être explorée», dit Messer. «Rien de romantique, mais il y a cdéfinitivement un lien entre eux... qui ne vient pas très souvent."
TV Guide
 06.07.2011  L'épisode 7x02 de Esprits Criminels sera appelé "Proof" (Preuve) et impliquera un homme qui a une fixation dérangeante sur la femme de son frère.  Spoiler TV
 13.07.2011 JJ sera de retour et elle aura une promotion.
Concernant Prentiss, plusieurs membres de l'équipe n'apprécient pas de découvrir qu'elle est toujours vivante, spécialement le Dr. Reid qui se sent trahi.
 TV Line
 23.07.2011 On apprend que l'acteur Robert Steinman a été casté dans la saison 7 d'Esprits Criminels.
Il apparaîtra dans le 3ème épisode de cette nouvelle saison, intitulé "Dorado Falls".
On ne sait pas grand chose de son personnage si ce n'est son nom : Carter Homes.
 29.07.11  Episode 7.04 is called Painless.
The guest star for the week is a character called Bob Adams, who is a man who has always wanted to be accepted but never has been. After surviving a high school bombing in his past he had hoped to finally be recognised but instead was forgotten. Sounds like a man with a grudge to me !
 04.08.11 With Paget Brewster rightfully restored to the cast, the first order of business this season is “resurrecting” Prentiss, whose death was faked so that she could evade arch nemesis Ian Doyle. “The first episode is about how I have to come back,” Brewster previewed for me, “and people are surprised.” Well, not everyone. After all, both J.J. and Hotch were in on the ruse. As for those left out of the circle of trust, “Some of the gang are peeved,” says Kirsten Vangsness, “but I’m just like, ‘Whee!’ Garcia is happy.” Still, it sounds like Reid, Rossi and/or Morgan might feel snubbed. As A.J. Cook teased (quite dramatically, bless her): “Relationships will unravel!”  TVLine
 05.08.11 One of Agent Rossi’s (Joe Mantegna) three ex-wives will be coming out of the woodwork this season on Criminal Minds. Homicide Life on the Street‘s Isabella Hofmann has landed a two-episode arc as Rossi’s first wife, new showrunner Erica Messer confirms to TVLine exclusively.

“She’s the love of his life,” Messer elaborates. “We’ll meet her in Episode 5″ when she comes to her former hubby for help. Hofmann’s credits also include JAG, Providence and Dear John.
Minds‘ seventh season kicks off Wednesday, Sept. 21.
 06.08.11 If you follow me on Twitter, you know where I was yesterday. Not that I’m bragging — except I totally am. But while on set of Criminal Minds (aside from getting to talk to the entire amazing cast), I got to sit down with executive producer and showrunner Erica Messer and ask about the huge reactions we’ll see from the team as a result of the return of presumed-dead Emily Prentiss (Paget Brewster).

“Because I’ve been with these guys from day one, we have a really good working relationship of the characters we’ve all created, so we had conversations,” she tells me. “I scripted it that everyone was going to have a huge reaction to her returning, but I’m not about to say, ‘Reid (Matthew Gray Gubler) does this,’ ‘Garcia  (Kirsten Vangsness) does that.’ I only gave them words. Garcia says, ‘She’s alive.’ And Reid says, ‘But we buried her,’ because Garcia is very emotional and Reid is very logical.”

Messer said Morgan (Shemar Moore) will also struggle with the fact that he believes Hotch (Thomas Gibson) betrayed the team by telling them she was dead. And subsequently, Hotch “had to keep this secret from the team while they were pouring their hearts out. He’s burdened with that,” she says. “It’s a complicated tale. When secrets are kept, it’s natural to be complicated.”

 12.08.11  Hi Sandra! When will the Criminal Minds article run?! Thanks -- @swpwallie
I actually went to the fabulous set of CM as part of EW's Fall TV Preview, out next month. (It's definitely something to look forward to!) And the videos I took on set with the cast will be out shortly after! Meanwhile, what about a little scoop to hold you over? Remember how Matthew Gray Gubler did a fantastic job directing episodes of the hit procedural for the last two seasons? Well, he's doing it again this year -- but not until episode 19! "I kind of like to do them later in the season because I find that everybody has worked so hard at that point, that while we're kind of tired, we're operating on a more instinctual level as a crew. It's when things become a little more guerrilla style," he says. "It's a little more like the wild west later in the year." And although he has no idea what challenges the episode might bring directing wise (and no idea what the plot will be), he's confident. "Later in the year, the pleasantries are gone at that point and everyone just hits it and are making wonderful stuff together."

Jack Coleman (Heroes) et Brigid Brannagh (Army Wives) viennent d'être castés au rang de guest star pour la Saison 7 de Esprits Criminels qui commence dans seulement deux jours, le 21 septembre sur la CBS.

Jack jouera le rôle de Bill, un homme qui détient une fillette prisonnière depuis sept ans et, qui dans une tentative afin de recréer un lien avec sa victime, va tenter de kidnapper sa mère de la manière.
Brigid jouera elle, le rôle de la mère de la fillette.


Exclusive: A.J. Cook Previews Criminal Minds "Season For the Fans"

After a tumultuous year that saw her fired and her character written out abruptly, only to be brought back after widespread fan revolt, A.J. Cook promises that Criminal Minds' devoted following will be rewarded.

The actress told me that the CBS drama's seventh season, which begins Wednesday night, is in large part inspired by the fans whose voices helped ensure the seven-member cast and its chemistry remain intact.

"The first seven episodes all offer personal very moments," she said, promising stories delving deeper into the characters viewers have grown so attached to. "This season is, in many ways, a season for the fans."

While careful not to rehash the past too much, I asked if Cook was aware of the extent to which fans went to protest her departure last season. She confirmed that she was, and that it offered a silver lining.

"At a certain point, it's impossible not to hear what people are saying," she said. "I was surprised, and so appreciative that the audience felt so strongly about the show and the character of J.J."

"It was one of the things that really helped me through it. "

CBS got the message. Almost as unexpectedly as she was written off, Jennifer Jareau (J.J.) was brought back - Cook admits she was "even more surprised to be asked back than to be let go" - at the end of last season.

The bright side of the upheaval of Season Six is that it seems to have invigorated the show's producers into peeling back layers of not only the killers that haunt viewers each week, but the BAU members themselves.

The seventh episode of the season is especially personal for A.J. Cook and her character, whose lives intertwine like never before when viewers meet J.J.'s son Henry - played by A.J.'s real-life son Mekhai.

"He's coming to visit me anyway, might as well put him to work," she joked, adding that it was "a very sweet scene" to film and that Henry's father, Will, also resurfaces in that episode.

Before delving into those personal stories, however, the first order of business is to reintroduce J.J. and "resurrect" Prentiss (Paget Brewster, also a victim of internal housecleaning, only to be brought back).

Prentiss' storyline - her death was staged this spring - will be more difficult for the show to address credibly than J.J.'s return from the Pentagon. But Cook says both will reenter the fold in a believable manner.

"Fans are going to love the premiere," she says of this week's opener. "It's so action-packed, but it also does a great job of explaining everything in a way that I think is very organic and very satisfying."

"It's all about bringing the team back together, but doing it right."

The show can't simply hit the reset button, but will definitely be "recharged" after this week, when we first see J.J. in her new role as a profiler, something Cook calls "a natural progression" for the character.

"They have to bring her back in a way that makes sense," she said. "We couldn't just go back to the way it was. J.J.'s still the same person, the nurturer, the den mother, but she's putting on the profiler hat now."



My post-premiere conversation with executive producer Erica Messer was eye opening in many ways and gave me many things to look forward to about this season. (Action Reid! Lingering hard feelings! Possible Prentiss flashbacks!) But the most intriguing bit, for me anyway, was the knowledge that one of the members of the BAU would be getting a new love this season!

When asked about who would be getting a romantic interest, Messer was understandably coy, saying only that people will “know who it is” based on the casting. (They’re still far away from starting that process, however.) My mind, however, went immediately to Hotch, since Messer had told me that she hopes to put a smile back on his (later non-bearded) face. So we asked Gibson himself for insight. “God, I hope [it's me]. It’s too sad otherwise. This man needs to get a life outside of that building,” he tells us.

But if love isn’t on the horizon, we at least have some good cases to look forward to. Gibson teases, “[In] one we are shooting right now, we’ve got a serial killer in the middle of tornado alley. Remember the name of Margaret Hamilton’s character in The Wizard of Oz before she became the Wicked Witch? She was Emmy Gulch. So the name Gulch in Kansas pops up again and again in this episode. So there are tornadoes going on, and there’s killing. It seems a little nuts, but it’s not. It’s just twisted. Ah! It’s just twisted!” What a pun-y guy!
27.09.11 Are JJ and Will still together on Criminal Minds? — Lisa
You all want to know what she meant by "It's a long story," right? The good news: She and her baby-daddy are still together. The better news: We will see Will — and Henry! — in this season's seventh episode. "We see a little more into what JJ has been up to since she was gone, how that's affected her personal life, especially now that she's back [in the BAU] in the field with crazy hours," A.J. Cook tells us. "And [Henry's] getting older, so it's harder."
11.10.11 Episode 7.07: is JJ centric. Her home life will be looked into.
Episode 7.10 is Hotch centric. Hotch’s past with Foyet may be revisited.
Episode 7.11 is Reid centric.
Episode 7.13 is Garcia centric and will deal with her relationship with Kevin.

'Criminal Minds': Former 'Dirty Sexy Money' star to guest as [SPOILER]'s love interest

Love is in the air at the BAU! But for who?

Former Dirty Sexy Money star Bellamy Young will guest in an upcoming episode of Criminal Minds as Beth, a museum curator who meets Hotch (Thomas Gibson) in the park while he’s training for triathalon.

The episode also guest stars Charles S. Dutton, playing a boxing trainer at a Philadelphia gym.

Before the start of the season, showrunner Erica Messer teased a new romance for one of the agents, but declined to give details. She had also hinted, however, that she wanted this season to see a new beginning for Hotch, whose ex-wife was killed a few season ago. “Hotch … has been going through the motions of raising a child as a single working parent and mourning the loss of a great love,” she told EW after the premiere. “And even though he and Haley were divorced, she was his first love, his only life and all that. We’d really like him to smile again and let go of that. It’s going to be new and exciting for all of us and the audience.”

Young, who stars in the upcoming Shonda Rhimes-produced Scandal, has also appeared on Scrubs and CSI: Miami.

18.10.11 Anything cool coming up on Criminal Minds? — Beth
ADAM: You've heard that Dirty Sexy Money's Bellamy Young will play a museum curator who could be Agent Hotchner's new love interest, right? Well, I'm hearing that she isn't the only woman coming into Hotch's life. Look for him to cross paths with one of his former female students who is now a detective with a Northern California police department who is assisting the BAU with an upcoming case.
01.11.11 Shawn Hatosy pulled no punches during his between-seasons hiatus from Southland, making time to land a plum guest-starring role on CBS’ Criminal Minds, TVLine has learned exclusively. We’ve also got a first look at his portrayal of a punch-drunk pugilist.

In a December episode of the crime drama (which airs Wednesdays at 9/8c), Hatosy — who just last week guested on CBS’ Hawaii Five-0 — plays Jimmy Hill, a backroom boxer who despite his so-so skills keeps fighting to raise money for his dying son. Charles S. Dutton plays Jimmy’s trainer, while legendary kickboxer Benny “The Jet” Urquidez prepared Hatosy off-camera for the physically demanding role and also appears as a ref (including in the first of these behind-the-scenes photos):

01.11.2011 Question: Now that JJ is back on Criminal Minds, and she is a full-fledged profiler, are we going to see her in action? —Darcy
Ausiello: Not much of JJ-in-action coming up, I’m afraid. However, the Nov. 9 episode is pretty JJ-centric. We’ll see how her new job has affected her family life — specifically, what happens when her son gets sick while she’s away on a case?
04.11.2011 Crime novelist Patricia Cornwell (she of the sometimes literally mouth-watering Kay Scarpetta series) will guest-star on CBS’ Criminal Minds as herself, TVLine has confirmed. In the hit procedural’s Jan. 18 episode, Cornwell will be seen speaking at the “2012 Great Lakes Violent Crime Seminar” in Chicago, before she introduces Reid (played by Matthew Gray Gubler) as the next speaker.  TVLine.com
09.11.11 Question: May I have a Criminal Minds spoiler? —Luis
Ausiello: There’s a very cool episode coming up where the team is investigating a serial murderer who purports to be the Zodiac Killer. The team is tasked with figuring out whether he’s the real deal or a copycat.
09.11.11 Criminal Minds is celebrating its 150th episode with a little game of To Catch a (Possible) Predator starring The Shield‘s Jay Karnes.
Sources confirm to TVLine exclusively Karnes will appear inMinds‘ milestone installment as a suspected serial rapist who may or may not be targeting a woman who looks a lot like actress Dina Meyer (which is probably because that’s who’s playing the role).
“[Dina] plays a victim and believes [Jay's character] is the predator,” explains executive producer Erica Messer. “But only our team knows the truth.”
Minds‘ 150th episode will air in early 2012.
10.11.11 While speaking with Kirsten Vangsness about the “very special Garcia episode” airing next week, I asked what other scoop she had to share. “There’s romance in the air for Mr. Aaron Hotchner,” she confirmed (alluding to the recent casting of Dirty Sexy Money‘s Bellamy Young). “And there is nothing official yet, but I have heard tell of my boyfriend (Kevin Lynch, played by Nicholas Brendon) making an appearance.” The conversation then turned to Reid turning the big 3-0, and she had something “sweet” to reveal. “Garcia makes the birthday cake, but because Reid is a tried-and-true Luddite — and Garcia is not — she doesn’t make him the right cake. And I’ll let those who watch the episode decide what that means!” TVLine.com

Next Wednesday, Garcia (Kirsten Vangsness) will find herself front and center on a case that will push her psyche to the limits as a friend of hers (Brigid Brannagh) goes missing. And as Vangsness previews, the horrific event will bring Garcia even closer to her BAU bestie, Morgan. “I think that he and J.J. are there the whole time, but she can totally be who she is around him,” says Vangsness. “When she gets crazy, he is the giver of that support she needs. When she is about to completely crack, he’s the one giving the tough love. He’s the one who comes to her when he thinks there’s something wrong.”

But while that kind of unconditional support is the stuff great love is made of, Vangsness says theirs is completely platonic — and she hopes that never changes. “It’s so much better in your imagination. Their talent is dancing on the line. If you go over that line, there’s no room for imagination,” she says. “You want that person always idealized. I think that’s the thing — they’re idealized in each other’s minds. And whenever you’re with somebody [romantically], you can no longer idealize them, and that’s no fun.”

In all, she says, the episode, which also guest stars Heroes’ Jack Coleman,” solidifies what you already know about them — they ain’t goin’ nowhere, in terms of their affection.”

14.11.11 Episode 7.13 is called "Snake Eyes."
There is one new role entering into this episode as an addition. That is Francesca, who is a smoking hot model that is a head turner but not a bimbo.
She certainly doesn't sound like having the mind of a criminal, but as many a show proves, appearances can be deceiving...

Criminal Minds is taking a gamble with Clark Kent himself, Dean Cain
CBS' veteran procedural has locked up the Lois & Clark actor to guest star in the 13th episode of the current season, set to air in early 2012, The Hollywood Reporter has learned exclusively. Cain will play Curtis, described as "a blue-collar, east coast type" who is "a down-on-his-luck gambler."

"He thinks he's found the method to his winning streak," showrunner Erica Messer tells THR, "and it involves killing people."

Criminal Minds is currently in production on its landmark 150th episode with guest stars Jay Karnes and Dina Meyer. That hour is scheduled to hit television screens in January.

Cain, repped by Paradigm, will appear in an episode of Burn Notice and the upcoming Hallmark Channel telepic The Case for Christmas.

15.11.11 How are Kevin and Garcia doing on Criminal Minds? Is Nicholas Brendon going to drop by again soon? — Michelle
 They're still going strong, and you'll see just how strong soon. The plan is for Kevin to visit in this season's 13th episode of the season in a very revealing way. "[Garcia's] shower gets used a lot," Kirsten Vangsness tells us. "Of all the characters, who has gotten the most action? Garcia! All I'm saying is that maybe that continues."
22.11.11 Episode 7.14 is called "Closing Time."

Guest character of the episode is Martin, who owns a bar in Manhattan Beach and has just found out his son isn't his... biologically speaking. Shit, hits, fan...
Also look out for Hunter, the boy who finds out he isn't Martin's, but rather Martin's best friends after his mum had an affair.
23.11.11 When Criminal Minds returns from its hiatus on December 7th, the team is dealt a complicated new case. The episode, titled 'Self-Fulfilling Prophecy', will see the team investigate the mass suicide of a group of young people at a military academy. But was it a group suicide or something more insidious? 
Meanwhile, Hotch (Thomas Gibson) and Morgan (Shemar Moore) will argue when a team member's life is on the line. Former Boston Legal star Rene Auberjonois guest stars, and recurring cast member Jayne Atkinson, playing FBI Section Chief Erin Strauss, will also make an appearance.

Morgan and Hotch have clashed in the past, and we know they have very different methods of leadership, but what causes friction between the two this time around? Does Hotch make a decision that lands one of the team in danger? Is that why Morgan challenges him? Does Strauss' appearance have something to do with it or is her arrival a result of the case's outcome? Will we see another shake-up in the team, with one of the agents being punished for something that happens during the case? And which team member winds up in a dangerous situation? Is it JJ (A.J. Cook), who is still getting her feet wet as a profiler or the newly-returned Prentiss (Paget Brewster), who was out of the field for a time due to her supposed 'death'? Earlier this season, Morgan expressed his concern over losing Prentiss again, so could that be the catalyst between the Morgan and Hotch confrontation?

In other news, Criminal Minds has recruited Jay Karnes (formerly of The Shield) to guest star in the show's landmark 150th episode. 
Karnes will star as a suspected serial rapist and is said tangle with fellow guest star Dina Meyer. Meyer's character believes that Karnes' is the rapist in question, but the team may discover that he is not the UnSub they are looking for. The show has also tapped another big-name guest star for the New Year. Former Superman himself, Dean Cain, will bring his charisma to the series as an UnSub in the 13th episode of the season. Cain will play a gambler who thinks he has finally found the key to his winning streak -- by killing people. Both episodes are set to air in early 2012.


After getting a flood of emails from Criminal Minds fans asking me about the 150th episode, I knew I had to toss in a few questions about it when I hopped on the phone with Thomas Gibson literally a few hours ago to chat about Hotch’s upcoming possible romance (more on that soon!). And while details on the case are a little premature to reveal, he did talk about the rumored revealing scene between Hotch and Emily. “It’s a really nice scene, and it touches on where she was in her personal and professional life in the last year when she was dead,” Gibson reveals. “And it also allows Hotch to reveal a little bit to her about what goes on with him. He says at one point that he’s tired of being profiled through his office window, where prying eyes are wondering what’s going on when he’s talking to people….There’s some really great stuff between these two. I’m hoping people will tune in and like it.”

As some fans might expect, the scene is more emotional than romantic, which is just how Gibson would prefer it. “So many people have said that they were upset that she and I have put the kibosh on whatever people thought was happening between them, but I think that both are professionals. They’d never indulge in anything more than a professional relationship,” he says. “Some were saying they want the two together, but as much as we want the fans to be happy, that we don’t see happening.” But one thing fans can count on is a building of tension between Hotch and Morgan in next week’s episode, which stems from the ongoing resentment some members of the BAU have felt toward Hotch after learning he’d lied about Emily’s death.

“It’s still not sitting right with Morgan. There’s still a little ways to go for Morgan and Hotch to clean the deck,” he says. “I don’t think Hotch thought it was going to go away and Morgan knew it wasn’t going to go away. But there’s a process and we’re still in the middle of it. I hope we can move past it.”

08.12.12  Iris tweeted at me, “Can you get some scoop on the 150th episode? Need more ‘intense plane scene’ deets!” Well, the milestone hour, as TVLine previously scooped, guest-stars Dina Meyer (Birds of Prey) as a rape victim who takes into custody her own suspect (The Shield‘s Jay Karnes), leaving the BAU to determine A) if she got it right and B) what to do with this lady vigilante. As exec producer Erica Messer explains, “We took a typical episode where the good guys find the bad guys and put it on its head. We’ve got a victim who thinks she’s found her offender… but she may be holding the wrong man captive.” As for the “intense plane scene” Iris alluded to, I am hearing that it’s not so much intense as… different. TVLine.com
09.12.12 Can you give me some Criminal Minds spoilers? Do you happen to know  how many episodes Bellamy Young will guest-star? Will it be just in episode 10 or are there more? Thanks! — Sofia
Thomas Gibson wouldn’t spill the specifics when we chatted. But it sounds like she’s in it for the long run, literally. Her character and Hotch are training for a marathon together — and that’s all. For now. The best part? The ribbing Hotch gets from Rossi about the new lady in his life. “There’s a great scene where Rossi is egging him on. He says to him at one point, ‘When you’re on the bike ride with her, make sure you wear a helmet.’ [Laughs] It’s a nice little double entendre.”


Male, Caucasian, 15 years old. A younger version of our Unsub, Trevor. We see him hiding in a closet as he hears his family being attacked and murdered by intruders....

This episode will be called "A Thin Line".


When Criminal Minds returns in the New Year, the show will tackle some personal storylines involving the main characters. What could those storylines entail? We don't know too much -- but here's what we do know about three plots coming up this spring on Criminal Minds. Then, it's your turn to dive in and do some speculating in the comments!

In the 150th episode, Prentiss (Paget Brewster) will be seeing a therapist and we will learn more about the agent's emotional state in the aftermath of everything she went through last season and her return to the team. But will Prentiss open up to this therapist, or will the revelations about her missing time come from her rumored "serious" conversation with Hotch (Thomas Gibson)? Given that this storyline is taking place in such a landmark episode, should we have high expectations for this insight into Prentiss' mindset, or do you do think the case-of-the-week will be the main focus?

In an episode set to air February 15th, it looks like JJ (A.J. Cook) will be getting into an altercation with an UnSub where her life could be on the line. But how did JJ wind up in this situation? Is it another case of a team member being personally targeted by an UnSub or did JJ merely end up in the wrong place at the wrong time? It appears that the fight could get physical, and though we know JJ is an excellent shot, will she be forced to take down the UnSub on her own or will the team arrive to back her up before things get out of hand? And now that JJ is a full-fledged profiler, will this confrontation make her think twice about her new role on the team or confirm that she was prepared for all the possible challenges of her new position?

And in the first episode back from the break, set to air January 18th, our resident genius celebrates a milestone. Reid's (Matthew Gray Gubler) 30th birthday will prompt him to question if he could be doing more with his life, given his intellect. But is it just his birthday that makes Reid question things, or does something happen with the case that sparks his interest in possibly branching out from his regular activities? Kirsten Vangsness teased that Garcia makes Reid the 'wrong' cake for his big day, so even though Reid is pondering the meaning of his life, there should be some lighthearted moments between the team members upon the show's return.

03.01.12 Une semaine avant de fêter son 150ème épisode aux USA, le créateur Jeff Davis et son équipe profitent de la trentaine du toujours aussi attachant Spencer Reid (interprété parMatthew Gray Gubler) pour anticiper les festivités et en profiter pour positionner le personnage au cœur de la première intrigue de cette rentrée 2012 !
C'est donc le 18 janvier prochain que les téléspectateurs américains pourront assister à l'évènement et partager, par la même occasion, aussi bien les doutes que les remises en questions (à la fois personnels et professionnels) qui ne vont pas manquer d'accompagner Reid à l'aube de cette nouvelle décade. Reconsidérant ses facultés, ses compétences, et donc son potentiel... l'heure a sonné de se demander s'il ne serait pas temps pour lui de répondre à l'appel d'accomplissements supérieurs et donc de réenvisager non seulement sa carrière, mais également ses choix de vie. Alors, simple et naturelle appréhension de rentrer définitivement dans l'âge adulte ou introspection favorisée par les dessous de l'enquête en cours ? Quoi qu'il en soit, Garcia (Kirsten Vangsness) semble bien décidée à lui faire dignement souffler ses bougies... si elle trouve le bon gâteau.
04.01.12 La comédienne Paget Brewster ayant décidé de quitter pour un temps la série, l'équipe d'Esprits criminels avaient dû faire le deuil de leur collaboratrice Emily Prentiss, officiellement décédée, avant que celle-ci ne soit finalement retrouvée (bien vivante) à Paris en compagnie de J.J. (Andrea Joy Cook). Comme pour mieux répondre au soutien des fans ayant su faire en sorte de la ramener au sein de leur série préférée, elle sera donc à l'honneur grâce à ce 150ème épisode, diffusé le 12 janvier prochain aux USA.
Dans le but de pouvoir évaluer son état psychologique et de faire le point sur l'ensemble des évènements qu'elle a précédemment eu à traverser, Prentiss va devoir se plier au jeu de la thérapie et, ainsi, faire progressivement la lumière sur son absence prolongée. Toutefois, les principales révélations devraient plutôt émaner d'une "sérieuse conversation" entre elle Hotch (Thomas Gibson)... Entre introspection et confidences, il ne fait aucun doute que cet épisode-clef ne manquera pas de faire monter la pression et de ravir les admirateurs de la jolie profileuse. 
05.01.12 L'ancien agent de liaison devenue profileuse à part entière sera au cœur de l'épisode diffusé le 15 février prochain aux Etats-Unis... J.J. (Andrea Joy Cook) y sera directement confrontée au "criminel de la semaine" mais le suspens demeure quant à savoir si le tueur en aura directement après elle ou si cet affrontement, qui pourrait bien s'avérer des plus violents, ne sera que le fruit d'un malencontreux concours de circonstances ; après que l'héroïne soit devenue un témoin gênant.
Si tôt après avoir embrassé sa nouvelle affectation, comment surmontera-t-elle cet implaccable face à face et aura-t-elle, déjà, à abattre un homme de sang froid ?... Compte tenu de ses compétences au tir, toutes les situations peuvent inévitablement être envisagées ; d'autant plus que ces collègues d'Esprits criminels pourraient bien ne pas toujours être là pour la seconder ou la protéger. 
Merci à lilly2710
12.01.12 At long last, I may have an answer to one of this CBS drama’s most puzzling mysteries: What happened with Reid’s conspicuous Season 6 headaches? The answer: Blame Sue Sylvester! “The hope,” series boss Erica Messer tells me, “was that we were going to be able to explore those headaches a bit last year with Jane Lynch (as Reid’s mother), and get her take on it. But because of Jane’s schedule, we just were never able to.” While Messer cops to setting up a story that wasn’t (yet) be paid off, she notes, “It’s still a part of the character, and that it’s a sort of psychosomatic issue he has speaks volumes.” Turning to what is ahead for Reid, Messer cites this season’s 11th episode, where Matthew Gray Gubler’s alter ego reflects on whether he’s fulfilling his potential. “[Being so smart] at 14 you’re really, really special, because not everybody could do what you do. But at 30, it doesn’t feel like you’re as special as you once were.” TVLine.com
17.01.12 Is Hotch's love interest Beth going to stick around on Criminal Minds? Will there be more after her? — Heather
 You will see her at least a couple more times, executive producer Erica Messer tells us. "They're lovely," Messer says. "It's nice to have our characters smile, because in the bulk of our episodes, they can't." But don't look for Hotch to rejoin the singles scene if things with Beth don't pan out. "I don't see Hotch as a character who is going to date around much," Messer says. "The fact that his eyes were open enough to see someone was interested in him was a huge step."
23.01.12 This show takes dark and twisted to a whole ‘nother level in episode 17 ("Foundation"), where we'll see 13-year-old Billy locked in a cage and abused throughout the storyline. Hopefully the team finds the demented culprit in record time because we're getting squeamish just thinking about this…
E! Online
  Anything new on the Criminal Minds front? —Paul
Ausiello: Though series boss Erica Messer has for the time being ruled out a workplace romance between Hotch and Prentiss, you might want to keep an eye on the BAU agents played by Kirsten Vangsness and Shemar Moore when the Feb. 8 episode rolls around. “There’s some good stuff coming up with Garcia, her personal life [with boyfriend Kevin] and the relationship between Morgan and Garcia,” A.J. Cook (aka JJ) tells us. “It’s gooood, and it’s juicy. The fans are going to go bonkers and love it!” Bonus Minds scoop: You’ll never listen to “Total Eclipse of the Heart” the same way again after this week’s episode.
24.01.12 Anything new on the Criminal Minds front? —Paul
Though series boss Erica Messer has for the time being ruled out a workplace romance between Hotch and Prentiss, you might want to keep an eye on the BAU agents played by Kirsten Vangsness and Shemar Moore when the Feb. 8 episode rolls around. “There’s some good stuff coming up with Garcia, her personal life [with boyfriend Kevin] and the relationship between Morgan and Garcia,” A.J. Cook (aka JJ) tells us. “It’s gooood, and it’s juicy. The fans are going to go bonkers and love it!” Bonus Minds scoop: You’ll never listen to “Total Eclipse of the Heart” the same way again after this week’s episode.
 02.02.12 JJ will evolve into a full-on action figure in the Feb. 15 episode of the CBS procedural – and get pretty bloody in the process! – making you have to wonder if the danger that comes with her new gig might be the straw that breaks the camel’s back when it comes to baby daddy William LaMontagne. “People are starting to get nervous about that, but…. We’ll see,” A.J. Cook tells me. And she means we literally will see what’s next for the parents when Josh Stewart reprises the role of Will again later this season, along with Cook’s real-life son. “We are definitely going to see them again, and I’m really excited for that storyline to play out.” As Cook notes with a laugh, while some fans adore Will and/or JJ’s home life, “There are also these dudes who are like, ‘Yeah, she needs to be a single woman!’ So I guess time will tell.” TVLine.com 
03.02.12 I’m a fan of Dr. Reid on Criminal Minds. He was having headaches earlier in the season. Do you know if that will be revisited. Also, do you have any scoops you can share about Criminal Minds in general?
The case is sorta closed for now, according to showrunner Erica Messer. But that could very well change if Sue Sylvester can tear herself away from McKinley High for a brief re-appearance on the show. “It’s hard to do another big Reid story about his health without having Jane Lynch in it,” she says. “It just feels false to us, and we haven’t been able to get her since she’s been on Glee. Our hope is that we’ll do that in Season 8. We need to get Matthew [Gray Gubler] and Paget [Brewster]’s contracts done so that we have them for Season 8. Then, we’ll explore that story more then because we’re almost done this year breaking episodes.” The team had considered bringing up the issue in the recent Reid-centric “True Genius,” but Messer says, Gubler agreed that it was best to hold out for Lynch. “We hear about a pre-glaucoma condition that he discusses in an episode just as throwaway stuff, but overall, I think it just adds another level to your shell of who you are. For Reid, he struggles with headaches. We all have moments where those kind of things — health issues — creep up with us and either you get over it or it’s always going to be an issue for you.”
29.02.12 Can you give me some scoop on Criminal Minds?
Ausiello: There will be a marriage proposal in an upcoming episode, and it does not go well. Not well at all. And look for the show to revisit the disappearance of Morgan’s cousin in a major way this spring (and for The Wire‘s Chad Coleman to be connected to the case in a potentially significant capacity.)
TV Line
06.03.12 Is the latest blind item with the couple who do the deed about Criminal Minds‘ Garcia and Morgan? I would love that! —April
Ausiello: No, but that’s not to say those two crazy kids won’t hit the sheets by season’s end. I can tell you with absolute certainty that all kinds of s–t will go down in and around May sweeps. I know this because Thomas Gibson told TVLine last Thursday at the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Hall of Fame Ceremony honoring Chuck Lorre that, “All kinds of s–t” will go down in and around May sweeps, adding, “Stay tuned. All kinds of good stuff.” Gibson also confirmed that the season finale will be broken up into two parts.
TV Line

Spoiler alert! Rather than stage a funeral to explain the upcoming exit of Paget Brewster's Emily - just a year after she faked her death - CBS' Criminal Minds has decided to end the season with a wedding. But who's getting hitched at the end of the tense two-hour finale is a secret. "We decided not to kill her off," explains executive producer Erica Messer. "We had already buried her, so that would have seemed repetitive." Instead, Emily will "leave the BAU to pursue other things, which mimics what Paget's pursuing in real life. If Paget ever wants to come back, this exit allows the door to be open."

Emily's last scene with her friends will be in one of their backyards, celebrating the intimate wedding of a longtime couple. "We wanted to balance out the darkness of the two hours and the bittersweetness of Paget leaving with the flip side of a really good thing," says Erica, who confirms that the couple exchanging vows will either be J.J. and Will or Garcia and Kevin. "They'll all have a really rough Saturday with a hostage situation and then a really lovely Sunday. To end a season on a happy note instead of blowing something up is very unusual for us."

 TV Guide

Will they bring a new profiler next season? — @BrigitteCMFan
Great question! And the answer is: not right away. At least, that’s what Messer anticipates. “That’s going to be a conversation with so many people at some point. There’s no replacing her as far as I’m concerned. She just brought so much to this team. But are they going to want another female face at the table? Sure. Are we going to want that as storytellers? I’m sure we will,” she says. But “I’m not in any hurry to replace her.” That said, CM fans, if they were bringing on a new profiler, is there an available actress you’d like to see join the gang? (Yes, we’re playing casting couch!)

Can we hope for a meaningful conversation between Morgan & Hotch regarding the lies? — @zackgibra
I’m so glad you asked because that’s exactly what happens in the April 11 episode, which Messer calls the second part to an episode we saw last year called “Big Sea.” As you’ll recall, in the episode, Morgan sought to give his aunt closure after she believed her missing daughter was among the victims in a murder investigation. In this episode, that gets turned on it’s head. “[We] had this idea for a story about what if the cousin Morgan had said died was alive and they had to find her,” says Messer. “And I thought it was brilliant because then he lied about someone being dead, which is exactly what he’s been angry with Hotch and everybody about all season.” The result of this common ground Morgan suddenly find himself having with Hotch? Closure, via some “beautifully written” and “understated” scenes, she says.

What’s on the horizon for Morgan & Prentiss? Especially with Emily leaving… how will they handle it :-( — @Diane_emily
Peacefully. You see, rather than, say, killing Emily again, Messer said she wanted to approach the departure genuinely. “What Paget and I both talked about was that we would love for her to exit the show in a way that felt it was believable. She can still have breakfast with them when she’s in town, you know?” says Messer. “It’s not leaving things on any weird terms, with anyone upset with anyone. It’s what happens in real life.” That said, I still think there will be tears… and they will most likely be mine.


Have you heard anything about howCriminal Minds' plans to replace Paget Brewster in Season 8? — Ashley
ADAM: I was actually on set last week and asked executive producer Erica Messer that very question. The short answer: Don't look for it to happen right away. Messer says she'd like to mimic what the show did in Season 3 when Joe Mantegna replaced departing star Mandy Patinkin a few episodes into the season. "I feel like we come back in Season 8 without Prentiss, and we're functioning just fine," she says. "But there's a void. We need that extra body. But I don't know who that character is yet." Why don't you guys help her out in the comments below?

TV Guide 

Can you tell me anything more about Tricia Helfer's role on the Criminal Minds finale? —Dave
ADAM: Helfer's character, Izzy Rogers, is the leader of a group of bank robbers who crosses paths with Hotch & Co. after she takes hostages during one of her jobs. "Ultimately, she is a serial killer masquerading as a bank robber," executive producer Erica Messer says. "Our team comes in because the behavior suggests they do this every month — they kill somebody for the fun of it, not because they're in the way. The woman's off her rocker. She's just a bad egg." However, it's one of the BAU team members who may be scrambled when he or she volunteers to go inside to talk Izzy down.

TV Guide

When will Strauss be back on Criminal Minds?
ADAM: She will be back from rehab just in time for the two-hour finale. And although she usually stirs up drama, she'll pretty much have the team's back as they try to defuse a hostage situation at a bank. Why the sudden turnaround? "Watch closely, because there's a little personal connection she has with a team member that will be surprising," executive producer Erica Messer teases.

TV Guide

Is Matthew Gray Gubler returning for Criminal Minds Season 8? I hope so, because I think a lot of people will stop watching if he doesn’t. –Vaneza via Twitter
Ausiello: Show boss Erica Messer also hopes that Gubler re-ups with the CBS crime drama, and as of Monday afternoon, “All signs point to yes,” she ventured, adding: “He’s such a staple of the show. He really loves to play his sweet, vulnerable, smart Reid.” After all, the last thing Criminal Minds needs to fret about is filling two voids come fall. “The big shocker was Paget [Brewster deciding to leave],” Messer shares, alluding to Prentiss’ exit in the two-hour finale airing May 16. “If Matthew was going in that direction, I think he’s the kind of guy who would have said so.”

Question: Please tell me, will the Beth storyline end this season on Criminal Minds? —Karen via Twitter
Ausiello: I can hereby tell you that because of Bellamy Young’s new gig playing the First Lady on ABC’sScandal… well, that has actually had no impact on her Criminal Minds romance, and as of the season finale, Hotch and Beth are still going strong. “I know it’s ‘controversial,’” EP Erica Messer says of the dating storyline, “but I like that Hotch is smiling and dating.”

TV Line 
Ecrit par MissSummer 
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